Birds have always held a special place in our hearts, which is why we commemorate National Bird Day on January 5th every year! These are dainty little creatures with a mellifluous voice, crows being an exception, while some are humongous and a threat to human beings like Vultures and Eagles. Birds are fascinating creatures, a symbol of freedom. Because so many bird species are threatened by the illegal pet trade, disease, and habitat loss, public awareness about bird needs is more important than ever. Unfortunately, the majority of birds are endangered or protected, owing to habitat loss or the illegal pet trade. It is vital to the survival of hundreds of bird species!
To preserve birds and save them from extinction, the Avian Welfare Coalition established National Bird Day to raise awareness of the hardships and plights of these important animals, as well as how we can begin to make the necessary changes to create a healthier, more sustainable relationship with them.
While National Bird Day was established in 2002, the challenges that birds have faced are not new to the animal kingdom. Ask the Dodo, the Labrador Duck, or the Passenger Pigeon, which were revered by many Native American tribes and featured prominently in many works of American art until their extinction.
National Bird Day, which originated in the United States, has been observed every year on January 5 since its inception in 2002. This date was chosen because the annual "Christmas Bird Count" falls on the same day as the event. This annual citizen survey has been conducted in the United States for quite some time. The findings provide data on both the number of birds and their health across the United States of America.
Things to do on National Bird Day
1. Read a book based on birds
The Birds of America, a work of art as well as a seminal work of scientific mastery was created by John James Audubon.
2. Construct a birdhouse.
Birds, like all other animals, require shelter. As we continue to deforest large swaths of the planet for development, we must build birdhouses to compensate for the habitat loss they face daily.
3. Adopt a bird.
Taking care of young birds, proper cleaning, diet management, and entertainment are just a few exciting activities to contribute towards the preservation of birds.