The Uttar Pradesh State Law Commission has sought public comments by July 19, 2021, on the draft ‘UP Population (Control, Stabilisation and Welfare) Bill, 2021. After this new law enactment, the benefits of state government-sponsored welfare schemes will be limited to only those with two children or fewer.
According to the Draft, Government employees following the two-child policy will be eligible for incentives like –
(a) two additional increments during the entire service,
(b) subsidy towards the purchase of plot or house site or built house from Housing Board or Development Authority, as may be prescribed,
(c) soft loan for construction or purchasing a house on nominal rates of interest, as may be prescribed,
(e) Maternity or the case may be, paternity leave of 12 months, with full salary and allowances,
(f) three per cent increase in the employer’s contribution Fund under national pension,
(g) free health care facility and insurance coverage to spouse and
(h) such other benefits and incentives, as may be prescribed.

There are additional incentives provided to public servants adhering to the one-child norm –
(A) two additional increments during the entire services provided that the additional increments provided shall be in addition to the increments provided under clause (a) of Section 4,
(B) free health care facility and insurance coverage to the single child till he attains the age of twenty years,
(C) preference to a single child in admission in all educational institutions including but not limited to Indian Management, All India Institute oh Medical Science etc,
(D) free education up to graduation level,
(E) scholarship for higher studies in case of a girl child in government jobs and
(F) such other benefits and incentives, as may be prescribed. Individuals other than a public servant, who adopts two-child norm or one child norm by undergoing voluntary sterilization operation upon himself or spouse, shall be given the incentives such as govt. employees comprising – house purchase or construction soft loan, rebate in utilities, 12-month maternity and paternity paid leave, free health care to the spouse.
The Draft provided special benefit to the couple living under the below poverty line having only one child and undergo voluntary sterilization operation upon himself or spouse shall be eligible for payment from the government for a one-time lump-sum amount of rupees eighty thousand if the single child is a boy and rupees one lakh if the single child is a girl.
Whosoever, after the commencement of this act, contravenes the two-child norm, procreates more than two children shall be ineligible to contest elections to the local authority or anybody of the local authority self-government and shall be ineligible to apply for government jobs under the State Government.
Further, if any government employee procreates more than two children shall be ineligible to get a promotion in government services and to receive any kind of government subsidy. The prosed Draft Bill provides certain exceptions of multiple childbirth and adoption of a child under The Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956 or The Juvenile Justice Act, 2015, The Guardians and Ward Act, 1890 or any other law effective for the time being. Subsequent conceiving on having a disabled child will be a subject to exception.
A polygamous husband or a polyandrous wife will not receive any benefits and incentives provided under this act and will be liable to face the disincentives.