High Court of Delhi said that it has decided to resume limited physical hearings in the HC from Aug 31 & in district courts from Aug 24.
The Delhi HC has issued two notifications, one for the High Court and the other for the District Courts.
The HC in its notification said that on physical hearing days, the courts shall permit blended mode of conferencing hearing where a request to such effect is made by any of the parties or their counsel.
The Order said that "All other pending and non urgent matters listed before this Court till September 3 shall stand adjourned as already notified".
Every judicial officer holds physical court on alternate days wef August 24, 2021 while the others continue to hold court proceedings through video-conferencing, as per the existing arrangement, on non-physical days.
The notification said,
"on any given day, 50% of the total strength of judicial officers shall hold the court physically while the remaining 50 per cent shall hold the courts through virtual mode. Endeavour shall be made to take up stay applications, bail applications & other miscellaneous urgent matters on physical days, wherever request to such effect is made."
It added that "In order to restrict the footfall, only those litigants shall be allowed entry into the courtroom(s) whose appearance is recommended by their respective counsel or who are appearing in person or whose presence has been directed by the court".