Image source: forbes.com
Day after the White House said that US President Joe Biden is committed to stopping China's economic abuses, Beijing on Tuesday said that it "hopes" that the new US administration will " learn a lesson" from the previous Donald Trump administration.
Speaking at the regular press briefing, Zhao Lijian, Minister of foreign ministry spokesperson ,said, "We hope the new US administration will learn from the Trump administration's lessons where they carried out the wrong policies on China. We hope the new administration will view China and China-Us relations in an objective and rational manner, implement China policies that are positive and constructive, meet with China half way, focus on cooperation, manage differences, and bring China-US relations back on the right track of sound and stable development.
On Monday, White House press Secretary Jen Psaki, said that Washington has seen over the last few years that China is growing authoritarian at home, challenging security and prosperity abroad.
"We're committed to - the President is committed to stopping China's economic abuses on many fronts, and the most effective way to do that is through working in concert with our allies and partners to do exactly that, " she added.