Nearly 150 people were held in custody by the police. The assembly quickly escalated into ill-tempered crowd against the opposed security laws. Officers had to indulge in violence because of some suspected trouble makers.
Police targeted protesters, they suspected might coalesce together into violent groups like those who vandalised stores and vehicles and thereafter attacked officers firstly. Interior minister claimed to have detained 142 people by the police. The police had to launch water cannons at the night to clear the crowd.

The slogans typed by the mass were “I will never stop filming” and “camera equals mutilation?” There were also protests in other cities like in Lyon, in southeast, the authorities have reported the arrest of five people who attacked the police and looted the shops nearby.
The security bill’s most contested measure could make it more difficult to film police officers. It aims to outlaw the publication of images with intent to cause harm to police. Critics fear it could erode media freedom and make it more difficult to expose police brutality. The provision caused such an uproar that the government has decided to rewrite it.