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Strategic leadership is something which is very basic for any corporate business success, help in achieving goals and to satisfy consumer needs. It is long term perspective to make changes and to transformate the current situation of companies to the best one of it,in strategic leadership may be the short term outcomes are not much effective but for long term that decision are perfect. They make decision on the very basic thought of for what or to whom they making decisions? How it will be beneficial? Why they were taking this decision on this concept the whole strategic leadership works. The best example is Apple Inc. Whose strategic policy are best.
To achieve its goals the strategic leader should make some rules like
• Never be afraid of his failure
• Not stand still with what’s going on he find some way to make best of that situation
• More versatile, and public influencing attitude to convense people for their decision
• Good listings behaviour and understand with others point of view not everytime looks from his prospective.
• Motive should be in good faith always not for personal benefit.
• Responsibility should be distributed among his team who come to achieve same purpose.
• Always make plan B as it’s a part of plan A.
Need in post covid-19.[1]
• Aim for survivability and resilience before economic efficiency
Their should be need of more focus on the deals which stands at the time of emergency and support comes out of the crises rather than focusing on the profit making deals .Their was not a whole dependency upon one nation like we have in China .
• Quantify and plan for ecological and environmental threat rather than just describe them
As their was so many climatic changes , economic crisis and world wide pandemic is going on one after the other we not only talk about those problems and set for help from government .now it’s time to plan and take some measures to come out and face crisis.
• Build a strong organisational immune system rather than maximise short-term profits
Companies that can spot the small problems, learn from them and build preventive measures The downfall of Nokia’s smartphone business is a perfect example of how immune-compromised organisations collapse from within.
• Integrate government politics rather than focusing only on business economics
Not depend more on the outside world to fulfill our needs it’s time to make product on our soil which makes the more employment opportunities and skill within a country ,it also helps in growth of GDP as we don’t need to import more from outside.
Legal Environment Basics
Strategic planning usually includes formulation of a SWOT, which is an analysis of company strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Legal issues, technology, societal changes and trends are among common elements of the external environment. Increased industry regulations can benefit your company if you are an established player and want insulation from more competition. However, legal issues generally involve challenging employment laws, limiting regulations and lawsuits.
Adjusting to Threats
One of the main reasons to complete a SWOT is to prepare yourself to leverage favourable environmental factors and to protect against threats. Recognizing regulation or legal changes well in advance gives you a chance to make adjustments. For example, real estate companies must constantly monitor changes in housing market regulations to best serve clients and to avoid legal violations. Another advantage of recognizing regulation changes early is that you can potentially diversify your offering to match. Many manufacturers adjust production processes and materials used to adapt to green-friendly standards[2]
[1] https://knowledge.insead.edu › blog
[2] https://smallbusiness.chron.com ›
Author- Jaishree Gautam (Bacl)