Pc - Practicemock
Our Constitution says about Right to education in 3 parts , fundamental rights Art 21-A,Directive principles of state policy Art 45 and fundamental duties Art 51- A which shows importance of education and it’s need in our developing country . In 1993- The Supreme court in the case of Mohini Jain and Unnikrishnan vs State of Andhra Pradesh ruled that the right to education is a fundamental right that flows from the Right to life in Article 21 under Indian Constitution.[1]
The draft National education policy was published in year 2019 under the chairmanship of eminent scientist Dr.k.kasturiangan which takes the people’s recommendation on the new changes on education policy. The new education policy 2020 replaced the 34 years old National education policy 1986 which now become very old for growing country. The pillars of New education policy were access, equity, quality, affordability and accountability[2] i.e education is accessible to all, no discrimination on the bases of gender and status ,the quality of education should be good in all public and private school, the fees should be affordable by everyone, and the answers of every question should be given. The name of ‘Human and resource ministry' replaced by ‘ministry of education' that earlier doesn’t clear for what that ministry works but it makes a clear vision now.
Highlights of new education policy 2020:-
• The primary change in the pattern of 10+2 education system now that become 5+3+3+4 which says the 12 years of schooling with 3 years of pre- education in aganvadi, and play school where child from age 3-6 years go for his mental development and friendly behaviour with society ,from 6-8 years class 1-2 where student learn all the numerical and literature studies from 8-11 where student learn all the basic subject but their should not be language barrier on them they can learn in their mother tounge/ local language or national language no restrictions of language till grade 5.from 11-14 there should be coding language for everyone with internships so they can practice what they learn while their study.14-18 for their should be skill development , analytical thinking and research development approach are given.[3]
• Their should be no subject choice restrictions from now students can choose vocational and other subject of their choice which help in skill and manpower productive in country.
• Holistic development for learner as it more emphasized on core problem to solve rather than focusing more on content study .NCERT will develop study matter more on critical thinking and problem solving orientation not or reading and writing pattern.
• Every school should provide 3 languages as an optional subject for bring up students multilingustic and make language as their power to fight with language problem.The focus was also given to the classical literature , language and culture to connect student with history and feeling of patriotism. NCERT have to make textbooks on the local content for easily understanding and develop interest of students
• By 2030 the gross enrollment ratio (GRE) with 100% in school education .
• For teachers their should be technological way of teaching as today they faces problem due to lack of technological method of teaching.
• Compulsory degree of B.Ed. for them to any recruitment to make them understand with students problem easily by 2030
• Higher education commission in India (HECI) will be created as an umbrella body for all the higher education exams entrance except law and medical.
• The higher education course have a 3yrs and 4yrs under graduation course with multiple option of drop out with suitable certificate within a period ,also their have an multidisciplinary course as in IITs
• The national research Foundation will be created as an apex body for research as our economy underdeveloped in research.
• Affiliation will have to phase out till 2045 to make college autonomous and a fees level will be fixed in private and public college to save education from commercialisation.
• New Policy promotes Multilingualism in both schools and higher education. National Institute for Pali, Persian and Prakrit , Indian Institute of Translation and Interpretation to be set up[4]
• There will be increase in investment by state and central govt.by 6% of GDP in education which was recommended in 1968 national education policy.
[1] All you need to know about the Right to Education in India – iPleaders
[2] https://innovate.mygov.in › ...PDF
Web results
Draft National Education Policy, 2019 - MyGov
[4] National Education Policy 2020 – PIB
Author-Jaishree Gautam (Bacl)